Industry & Institution integrated Collaborative Education Program-IICEP is most contemporary noble concept, derived by SARVA BHARATIYA SHIKSHA PEETH-SBSP & COUNCIL FOR ERADICATION OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL ILLITERACY-CESTI , to integrate the component of Industry in Education. IICEP is not just a formality of giving industry exposure to the student community, rather it's a full-fledged Industry-oriented-Experience to them, which is linked with their studies.
IICEP enables the student to obtain the basic and all functional knowledge of the Industry in which he wish to work.
Advantages of IICEP:
What are the advantages of IICEP over Conventional Education and Distance Education?
INDUSTRY & INSTITUTION Integrated Collaborative Education Program (IICEP) is most contemporary noble concept which integrates Education and Industry as well as Institution. INDUSTRY & INSTITUTION INTEGRATED COLLABORATIVE EDUCATION is the LATEST NOBLE CONCEPT. SBSP is the Best TRAINING PROVIDER for the WORKING PERSONNEL. In this system, students are working and learning the program what they are exactly pursuing in the same industry/Institution. The biggest advantage of IICEP over Distance Education and Conventional Education is that students are getting theoretical and professional knowledge at the same time of study itself, whereas in Conventional and Distance Education programs, students are required to spend 3-4 years in obtaining similar level of professional knowledge after their studies.
So that.. it's very clear that the students belonging to IICE Programs are more professional comparative to the students of Conventional / Distance Education. Hence, the IICE Program students, proceed fast in the professional progress.
What is the difference between Regular Conventional Education and IICEP?
Regular Education |
IICEP Education |
1. Regular/Conventional Education is an effective tool of teaching students in classrooms throughout the year. |
1. In addition to regular education, Students obtain industrial / professional exposure as a part of curriculum. |
2. Regular Education is a combination of classroom teaching and self study of a student. Students are not provided any opportunity to undergo any Industrial/ Institutional/Professional training or apply their theoretical studies in practical life. |
2. IICEP Education is a combination of classroom teaching, self study & its real-time practical applications. Students are provided an opportunity to apply all their theoretical knowledge into practical field with the help of Industrial/ institutional
/professional training. |
3. This type of Conventional Education sometimes proves wastage of time for more than 50% of students, as they leave the field after study. |
3. IICEP Education is more focused and proven track record of successful generation of more than 95% students in the same profession. |
What is the difference between Distance Education and IICEP?
Distance Education |
IICEP Education |
1. Distance education is an effective tool of giving Postal/Distance/Correspondence Education. |
1. IICEP Education is regular & not a Postal or Distance/Correspondence Education. |
2. In India approval of joint committee of UGC-AICTE-DEC is required for Distance Education Programs |
2. IICEP Education programs does not come under purview of joint committee of UGC-AICTE-DEC. |
3. No formal Education/ Industrial training. |
3. Regular Education with real-time industrial/Institutional exposure. |
4. Distance Education is focused on the self learning capability of the student. Student does not have chance to work in industry with studies. |
4. IICEP Education is very easy to pursue as the student performs everything in real industry as a part of their academic curriculum. |
Promoting Body - CESTI
COUNCIL FOR ERADICATION OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL ILLITERACY (CESTI) is an Autonomous National Development Organization, registered under Govt. Acts for its Statute existence and which has been struggling hard for enhancing the literacy rate especially in the fields of Science & Technology since its inception itself, i.e., 2001, by spreading a wide network of Associate Training & Research Centers all over India and some other foreign countries.
CESTI integrates the component of Industry in Education by way of an MOU with various INDUSTRIES/ EMINENT TECHNICAL & RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS as well as the Certifying Bodies such as UNIVERSITIES/ BOARDS etc.
The Administration of SBSP has been taken over by CESTI, Since 2001 itself.
How CESTI is conducting IIC Education program Through SBSP?
Sarva Bharatiya Shiksha Peeth, formerly known as Godavari Shikshapeeth (GSP), situated now in various Cities of India, being administered by CESTI. The Academic Council and the Governing Body of CESTI has resolved to conduct the Regular Internship / Training / Research Programs (under IICEP mode) related to Arts, Social & Allied Sciences, IT, Education, Journalism & Mass Communication, Commerce, Paramedical, Pharmacy, Engineering & Technology and all other streams with the Industry and Institutional Resource Support through a network of Information & Guidance Centers from time to time.
SBSP will help the CESTI Authorities in not only identifying & creating a wide network of IGCs (Information & Guidance Centers), but also work for successful implementation of the concept of IICEP by providing Industry Base to the students and as well as student enrollments to the CESTI from all corners of India and Abroad as an Internationally Reputed Independent Institution for Literacy since 1947 under the Governing Council of CESTI.