Education Loans have become the preferred method of financing one's education, and thousands of students at SBSP are studying on Education Loans. A big benefit is that you only have to start repaying one year after finishing your course or 6 months after you get a job.
At SBSP we believe that no deserving candidate should miss out on education due to financial constraints. The Education Loan Processing Cell is another unique initiative to help our students, where dedicated and experienced Education Loan Processing Officers are available to help you apply for your loans.
Most Banks in the country offer attractive education loans for students. For the benefit of prospective students at SBSP. Banks give the following advantages to students applying to SBSP
- Cover all courses of SBSP
- Include tuition fees, books cost, hostel fees, airfare for courses abroad.
- Concessional rate of interest.
Speedy disposal of loan applications.
Availability of the loan across the country.
Following are some of the premier banks of the country providing educational loans.
Click on the banks to know the details.
Illustrative List of Papers / Documents Required for Education Loan
Admission letter of SBSP giving details of year wise fee, boarding and lodging expenses. Letter confirming scholarship, if any.
Attested copies of documents for proof of age/date of birth and proof of residential address.
Passport size photo of the applicant, co-obligants and guarantors.
Copy of marksheets/degree certificates of previous academic qualifications.
Income proof/latest income tax return of parents/co-obligants, guarantors. (if any)
Details of collateral security alongwith valuation certificate of Govt approved valuer (if any).
Details/statements of Bank accounts held with same bank / other banks by the student applicant/co-obligant(s)/guarantors (if any) for the last six months.
Copy of Passport/Visa, cost of air fare (documentary detail) in case of studies abroad.
The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in case of Civil Appeal no. 2056 of 1999 dated 24th September, 2001 titled as “Bharathidasan University and another Vs All India Council for Technical Education and others”; has held that “Running /conducting courses and programmes in technology courses by University –prior approval of the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)-is not necessary –Definition of “Technical institution” under AICTE Act does not include university. AICTE is not intended to be authority either superior to or supervise and control the universities – Regulation 4 compelling university to seek and obtain prior approval of AICTE before starting any new department or course or programme in technical education are void.”
The above said judgment of the Supreme Court of India, thus invalidates the criteria of AICTE approval prescribed by certain banks for the purpose of sanction of educational loans to the students of a University and other purposes in relation to a University. Such a requirement, hence, must be done away with.
Requisition of approval of AICTE, in case of a university, is entirely in the violation of aforesaid judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and may tantamount, to contempt of Court. |