Invitations to the Industries for Collaborations |
Norms and Guidelines for conduct IICE PROGRAM:
Sarva Bharatiya Shiksha Peeth (SBSP) is to enter into collaboration with Industries/ Institutions/ Professional Associations/ Research Organizations or Other Agencies/ Organizations to conceptualize, design and develop specific educational and research programs, training programs and exchange programs for the students, faculty and others by way of such manner as prescribed for its Industry & Institution Integrated Collaborative Education Program (IICEP).
SBSP/CESTI has to identify Information & Guidance Centers at various places of the Country to offer different PROGRAMS from Secondary to Post PG levels under IICEP.
In this context, SBSP invites various eminent Institutions as well as Industries for Collaboration with it. Those Institutions & Industries who are really interested to provide infrastructure facilities for the working professionals may send their detailed proposal by way of email & hard copy to SBSE/CESTI. ( refer CONTACT US for address to be contacted)