One of the most popular flexibilities provided in SBSP's Educational Structures is that the INDUSTRY & INSTITUTION INTEGRATED COLLABORATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAM (IICEP).
We have introduced some different VALUE-ADDED PROGRAMMES and also designed the course structure in such a way, where a student can earn while learning.. and learn while working.
About IICEP:
SBSP conducts INDUSTRY & INSTITUTION COLLABORATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAM (IICEP) as a means of continuing education for the employed professionals as a part of the human resource development programs of specific organizations. For the conduct of INDUSTRY & INSTITUTION COLLABORATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAM-IICEP, the basic requirement is the participation of the collaborative organization by extending physical and other facilities and by agreeing to integrate their work requirements with the academic requirements of the SBSP for the Pursuit of various VALUE-ADDED PROGRAMMES in different levels of study.
In all these Programmes, emphasis is on self-learning and the pedagogy attempts to incorporate as many modern technologies as desirable. While every one of these programmes requires collaboration of an organization, some programmes have a highly structured collaboration with planned classroom activities and some programmes may have less structured planning. While a number of Programs are offered through structured collaboration with many collaborating organizations, there are also some Programmes, which are available in an open manner under OPEN INDUSTRY & INSTITUTION COLLABORATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAM-OIICEP for a large number of organizations, each of which may sponsor students. For all these programs, faculty/resource persons are drawn from the participating organizations as well as expert groups from other Institutions through the chain of Information & Guidance Centers (IG Centers) of SBSP
Need of IICEP:
Study, which is incapable of providing suitable employment and knowledge, is fruitless. Our present educational system rarely contains industry component in it like other developed countries, where this type of Collaborative system successfully exists.
The purpose of every education is to obtain factual knowledge and employment. In this competitive environment, the difference between education and industry is widening day-by-day
This leads difficulty in adjustment of young alumnus in Industry. Some time it took lot of time even many years to transform them in to real professionals. In the absence of proper guidance, many students distract from the correct way to proceed with their career, and choose different profession away from their qualification, and this yields wastage of significant number of years of their valuable academic life.
This is education to profession dropout.
For example :as we are struggling with the deficiency of engineering professionals despite of having thousands of engineering colleges in the country. Why? Due to direction less efforts of present education system.
Most of the young engineering alumnus shift themselves to some other Industry, unwillingly. As earlier explained, this phenomenon is education to profession dropout. The reasons may be many, like lack of direction for a proper start, dissatisfaction from industry, understanding of work etc. Only 5% of the engineers leave the field because of genuine reasons. Remaining 95% leave the field because of the reasons, like they do not know how to start or they do not know how to adjust in the Industry or they do not have basic understanding to work in the Industry. Every year, at least 50% of the engineering graduates leave the field, i.e. the education to profession dropout in the engineering field in India is estimated as to more than 50%. This loss is in addition to the manual hours wasted to educate them for their precious 4 to 6 years. Some of them choose less skilled jobs. This process can also be observed in other professionals as well, where the industry interaction is completely negligible.
On contrary in the field of Medicines, this education to profession dropout ratio is not more than 5%. Why? Yes, just because of the real time training with studies. All medical students are required to attend practical, compulsory internship within their study curriculum. This industry exposure is quite similar to the futuristic circumstances, which they require to face, when they will work as an independent professional. Also, they got ample opportunities to work under highly specialized senior professionals. The result itself shows the success story of this education model.
Conclusively, we are 95% sure that the medical graduate passing out will work as a medical professional, in comparison to 50% of engineering graduates to become an engineering professional.
INDUSTRY & INSTITUTION COLLABORATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAM-IICEP is an effort to make all educational models of country at par with the Industry Integrated Collaborative model like in medical education. INDUSTRY & INSTITUTION COLLABORATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAM will be given to the student with real industry working experience. This serves dual purpose: one student will obtain precious work experience in addition to the academic knowledge. Conclusively, INDUSTRY & INSTITUTION COLLABORATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAM is the only tool which can fulfill the demand of the modern industry.
Industry & Institution Integrated Collaborative Education Program (IICEP) is most contemporary noble concept, derived by SARVA BHARATIYA SHIKSHA PEETH-SBSP to integrate the component of Industry in Education. IICEP is not just a formality of giving industry exposure to the student community, rather it's a full-fledged Industry-oriented-Experience to them, which is linked with their studies.
IICEP enables the student to obtain the basic and all functional knowledge of the Industry in which he wish to work.
What are the advantages of IICEP over Conventional Education and Distance Education?
INDUSTRY & INSTITUTION INTEGRATED COLLABORATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAMME (IICEP) is the most contemporary noble concept which integrates Education and Industry/Institution. IICEP is the LATEST NOBLE CONCEPT. SBSP is the Best TRAINING PROVIDER for the WORKING PERSONNEL. In this system, students are working and as well as learning the program what they are exactly pursuing in the same industry/Institution. The biggest advantage of IICEP over Distance Education and Conventional Education is that the students are getting theoretical and professional knowledge at the same time of study itself, whereas in Conventional and Distance Education programs, the students are required to spend 3-4 years in obtaining similar level of professional knowledge after their studies.
So that, it's very clear that the students belonging to IICE Programs are more professionals comparative to the students of Conventional / Distance Education. Hence, the students learnt the skills under IICE Program can proceed fast in the professional progress.
1. Regular/Conventional Education system is an effective tool of teaching students in the classrooms throughout the year. But, IICEP system of Education is a new noble concept and the students in this system can obtain industrial / professional exposure as a part of curriculum In addition to the Regular education.
2. Regular Education is a combination of classroom teaching and self study of a student. Here, the students are not provided any opportunity to undergo any Industrial/ Institutional/Professional training or to apply their theoretical studies in practical life. But, where as IICEP Education is a combination of classroom teaching, self study & its real-time practical Applications. Here, the students are provided with an opportunity to apply all their theoretical knowledge into the practical field with the help of Industrial/ institutional /professional training.
3. This type of Conventional Education sometimes proves wastage of time for more than 50% of students, as they leave the field after study, whereas, IICEP Education is more focused and has a proven track record of successful generation of more than 95% students in the same profession.
1. Distance education is an effective tool of giving Postal/Distance/Correspondence Education. But, the IICEP system of Education is a Regular Study & not a Postal or Distance/Correspondence Education.
2. In India, the approval of Joint Committee of UGC-AICTE-DEC is required for offering Distance Education Programs by an Institution. But, the IICEP does not come under the purview of such Joint Committee of UGC-AICTE-DEC.
3. No formal Education/ Industrial Training is needed in Distance mode of Education, whereas the Regular Education with Real-Time Industrial/Institutional exposure is there in IICEP.
4. Distance Education is focused on the self learning capability of the student. The Student does not have chance to work in industry along with studies simultaneously, whereas the IICEP Education is very easy to be pursued as the student performs everything in real industry as a part of their academic curriculum.
And also SBSP will have Industry tie-ups with various Companies, Financial & Educational Institutions, Banks, Clinics, Hospitals, Hotels and other Establishments to provide HANDS-ON INDUSTRY EXPOSURE TRAINING to the IICEP students, where SBSP takes up the responsibility of "educating them under the Syllabus & Curriculum, prescribed for the Program from time to time, that he/ she pursues".